o škole
Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze je soukromá vysoká škola neuniverzitního typu. Svým studentům nabízí vzdělání v oblasti cestovního ruchu, v letecké dopravě a nově také v personalistice.
team pro VŠO eventy
Project Manager
Jirka Smetana
mobil: +420 732 435 338
Art & Media Director
Gustav Weiss
mobil: +420 721 123 481
Trying to get property of non-object search►
Source file ▼
File: .../app/FrontModule/presenters/ArticlesPresenter.php Line: 71
61: } 62: 63: public function getArticle () { 64: if(is_object($this->presenter->category)) 65: $this->article = $this->presenter->model->getArticlesCategories()->select('articles.*')->where('categories.url', $this->presenter->category->url)->where('articles.url', $this->presenter->akce)->order('articles.date DESC')->fetch(); 66: else 67: $this->article = $this->presenter->model->getArticlesCategories()->select('articles.*')->where('categories.url', $this->presenter->category)->where('articles.url', $this->presenter->akce)->order('articles.date DESC')->fetch(); 68: 69: // $this->article = $this->presenter->model->getArticles()->select('*')->where('url', $this->presenter->akce)->fetch(); 70: 71: if($this->article->galleries): 72: $this->paginator->itemsPerPage = $this->article->galleries->lmt; 73: $this->paginator->itemCount = count($this->images = $this->article->galleries->related('galleries_images')->where('visibility', 1)->order('highlight DESC, position ASC')); 74: $this->imagesAll = $this->article->galleries->related('galleries_images')->select('id, name')->where('visibility', 1)->order('highlight DESC, position ASC'); 75: $this->images->page($this->paginator->page, $this->paginator->itemsPerPage);
Call stack ▼
.../app/FrontModule/presenters/ArticlesPresenter.php:88 source ► FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter-> getArticle ()
78: 79: public function getFiles ($id) { 80: return $this->presenter->model->getFilestoresFiles()->where('filestores_id', $id); 81: } 82: 83: public function render($sectionID = false, $layout = false) { 84: $this->module = $sectionID ? (object) array('sections_id' => $sectionID, 'layout' => $layout, 'order' => 2, 'direction' => 2) : $this->module; 85: $this->section = $this->presenter->model->getSections()->find($this->module->sections_id)->fetch(); 86: 87: if ($this->detail == true) { 88: $this->getArticle(); 89: 90: if (!$this->article->visibility) { 91: $this->presenter->error('', 404); 92: }
.../temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_Page.layout1.latte-c5f98160e9ae541b0a76bd4b74951ce0.php:41 source ► FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter-> render ()
31: 32: <?php endif ; 33: }} 34: 35: // 36: // block content 37: // 38: if (!function_exists($_l->blocks['content'][] = '_lb131e37757d_content')) { function _lb131e37757d_content($_l, $_args) { extract($_args) 39: ?> <div id="block-1-layout"> 40: <div id="center"> 41: <?php $_ctrl = $_control->getComponent("block1"); if ($_ctrl instanceof Nette\Application\UI\IRenderable) $_ctrl->validateControl(); $_ctrl->render() ?> 42: </div> 43: </div><?php 44: }} 45:
.../libs/Nette/Latte/Macros/UIMacros.php:463 source ► _lb131e37757d_content (arguments ►)
$_l stdClass(3) ▼
{ templates => array(2) ▼
{ ncwltdbkrw => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►
blocks => array(3) ▼{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
77pqsnp0u2 => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/@layout.latte" (77) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
}{ left => array(1) ▼
extends => NULL }[ 0 => "_lbd379c424ba_left" (18) ]
content => array(1) ▼[ 0 => "_lb131e37757d_content" (21) ]
_flashMessages => array(1) ▼[ 0 => "_lbeb5127e9a7__flashMessages" (28) ]
}$_args array(21) ►
{ _control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►
{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
_presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
user => Nette\Security\User(8) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ guestRole => "guest" (5) authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) onLoggedIn => NULL onLoggedOut => NULL storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage(3) ▼
netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) ▼{ namespace private => "" sessionHandler private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } sessionSection private => NULL }
authenticator private => NULL authorizator private => NULL context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
}{ cookieDomain => "" cookiePath => "/" cookieSecure => FALSE cookieHttpOnly => TRUE code private => 200 }
netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) ▼{ dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48) useDirs private => TRUE journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) ►
baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) basePath => "" flashes => array(0) today => 1740245152 hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" homepage => FALSE current => NULL lang => NULL template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp/btfj.dat" (58) handle private => stream resource
locks private => NULL }{ timed_out => FALSE blocked => TRUE eof => FALSE wrapper_type => "plainfile" (9) stream_type => "STDIO" (5) mode => "r+b" (3) unread_bytes => 4088 seekable => TRUE uri => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp/btfj.dat" (58) }
lastNode private => 2 lastModTime private => NULL nodeCache private => array(0) nodeChanged private => array(0) toCommit private => array(0) deletedLinks private => array(0) dataNodeFreeSpace private => array(0) }{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/@layout.latte" (77) onPrepareFilters => array(1) ▼
_g => stdClass(0) _extended => TRUE }[ 0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... } ]
source private => NULL params private => array(21) ►{ _control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } _presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } user => Nette\Security\User(8) { ... } netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) { ... } netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) { ... } baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) basePath => "" flashes => array(0) today => 1740245152 hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" homepage => FALSE current => NULL lang => NULL template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { *RECURSION* } _g => stdClass(0) _extended => TRUE }
filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) ▼[ 0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... } ]
cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) ▼{ hint => "/templates/@layout.latte" (24) dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48) useDirs private => TRUE journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) { ... } locks private => NULL }
}453: /** 454: * Calls block. 455: * @return void 456: */ 457: public static function callBlock(\stdClass $context, $name, array $params) 458: { 459: if (empty($context->blocks[$name])) { 460: throw new Nette\InvalidStateException("Cannot include undefined block '$name'."); 461: } 462: $block = reset($context->blocks[$name]); 463: $block($context, $params); 464: } 465: 466: 467:
.../temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_templates._layout.latte-152dcb5217cce131f667280e5de0a6d8.php:119 source ► Nette\Latte\Macros\UIMacros:: callBlock (arguments ►)
$context stdClass(3) ▼
{ templates => array(2) ▼
{ ncwltdbkrw => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►
blocks => array(3) ▼{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
77pqsnp0u2 => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/@layout.latte" (77) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
}{ left => array(1) ▼
extends => NULL }[ 0 => "_lbd379c424ba_left" (18) ]
content => array(1) ▼[ 0 => "_lb131e37757d_content" (21) ]
_flashMessages => array(1) ▼[ 0 => "_lbeb5127e9a7__flashMessages" (28) ]
}$name "content" (7)
$params array(21) ►
{ _control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►
{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
_presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
user => Nette\Security\User(8) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ guestRole => "guest" (5) authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) onLoggedIn => NULL onLoggedOut => NULL storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage(3) ▼
netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) ▼{ namespace private => "" sessionHandler private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } sessionSection private => NULL }
authenticator private => NULL authorizator private => NULL context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
}{ cookieDomain => "" cookiePath => "/" cookieSecure => FALSE cookieHttpOnly => TRUE code private => 200 }
netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) ▼{ dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48) useDirs private => TRUE journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) ►
baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) basePath => "" flashes => array(0) today => 1740245152 hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" homepage => FALSE current => NULL lang => NULL template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp/btfj.dat" (58) handle private => stream resource
locks private => NULL }{ timed_out => FALSE blocked => TRUE eof => FALSE wrapper_type => "plainfile" (9) stream_type => "STDIO" (5) mode => "r+b" (3) unread_bytes => 4088 seekable => TRUE uri => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp/btfj.dat" (58) }
lastNode private => 2 lastModTime private => NULL nodeCache private => array(0) nodeChanged private => array(0) toCommit private => array(0) deletedLinks private => array(0) dataNodeFreeSpace private => array(0) }{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/@layout.latte" (77) onPrepareFilters => array(1) ▼
_g => stdClass(0) _extended => TRUE }[ 0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... } ]
source private => NULL params private => array(21) ►{ _control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } _presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } user => Nette\Security\User(8) { ... } netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) { ... } netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) { ... } baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) basePath => "" flashes => array(0) today => 1740245152 hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" homepage => FALSE current => NULL lang => NULL template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { *RECURSION* } _g => stdClass(0) _extended => TRUE }
filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) ▼[ 0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... } ]
cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) ▼{ hint => "/templates/@layout.latte" (24) dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48) useDirs private => TRUE journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) { ... } locks private => NULL }
}109: </div> 110: </div> 111: 112: <div class="wrapper"> 113: <div id="main" class="inner"> 114: <div id="left" class="f-left"> 115: <?php Nette\Latte\Macros\UIMacros::callBlock($_l, 'left', $template->getParameters()) ?> 116: </div> 117: 118: <div id="right" class="right"> 119: <?php Nette\Latte\Macros\UIMacros::callBlock($_l, 'content', $template->getParameters()) ?> 120: </div> 121: </div> 122: </div> 123:
.../libs/Nette/Utils/LimitedScope.php:73 source ► include (arguments ►)
#0 "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_templates._layout.latte-152dcb5217cce131f667280e5de0a6d8.php" (130)
63: */ 64: public static function load(/*$file, array $vars = NULL*/) 65: { 66: if (func_num_args() > 1) { 67: self::$vars = func_get_arg(1); 68: if (self::$vars === TRUE) { 69: return include_once func_get_arg(0); 70: } 71: extract(self::$vars); 72: } 73: return include func_get_arg(0); 74: } 75: 76: } 77:
.../libs/Nette/Templating/FileTemplate.php:119 source ► Nette\Utils\LimitedScope:: load (arguments ►)
#0 "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_templates._layout.latte-152dcb5217cce131f667280e5de0a6d8.php" (130)
#1 array(22) ►
{ _control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►
{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
_presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
user => Nette\Security\User(8) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ guestRole => "guest" (5) authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) onLoggedIn => NULL onLoggedOut => NULL storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage(3) ▼
netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) ▼{ namespace private => "" sessionHandler private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } sessionSection private => NULL }
authenticator private => NULL authorizator private => NULL context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
}{ cookieDomain => "" cookiePath => "/" cookieSecure => FALSE cookieHttpOnly => TRUE code private => 200 }
netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) ▼{ dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48) useDirs private => TRUE journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) ►
baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) basePath => "" flashes => array(0) today => 1740245152 hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" homepage => FALSE current => NULL lang => NULL template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp/btfj.dat" (58) handle private => stream resource
locks private => NULL }{ timed_out => FALSE blocked => TRUE eof => FALSE wrapper_type => "plainfile" (9) stream_type => "STDIO" (5) mode => "r+b" (3) unread_bytes => 4088 seekable => TRUE uri => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp/btfj.dat" (58) }
lastNode private => 2 lastModTime private => NULL nodeCache private => array(0) nodeChanged private => array(0) toCommit private => array(0) deletedLinks private => array(0) dataNodeFreeSpace private => array(0) }{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/@layout.latte" (77) onPrepareFilters => array(1) ▼
_g => stdClass(0) _l => stdClass(3) ▼[ 0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... } ]
source private => NULL params private => array(21) ►{ _control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } _presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } user => Nette\Security\User(8) { ... } netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) { ... } netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) { ... } baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) basePath => "" flashes => array(0) today => 1740245152 hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" homepage => FALSE current => NULL lang => NULL template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { *RECURSION* } _g => stdClass(0) _extended => TRUE }
filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) ▼[ 0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... } ]
cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) ▼{ hint => "/templates/@layout.latte" (24) dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48) useDirs private => TRUE journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) { ... } locks private => NULL }
}{ templates => array(2) ▼
_extended => TRUE }{ ncwltdbkrw => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } 77pqsnp0u2 => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
blocks => array(3) ▼{ left => array(1) [ ... ] content => array(1) [ ... ] _flashMessages => array(1) [ ... ] }
extends => NULL }109: } 110: 111: $cache->save($this->file, $compiled, array( 112: Caching\Cache::FILES => $this->file, 113: Caching\Cache::CONSTS => 'Nette\Framework::REVISION', 114: )); 115: $cached = $cache->load($this->file); 116: } 117: 118: if ($cached !== NULL && $storage instanceof Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage) { 119: Nette\Utils\LimitedScope::load($cached['file'], $this->getParameters()); 120: } else { 121: Nette\Utils\LimitedScope::evaluate($compiled, $this->getParameters()); 122: } 123: }
.../temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_Page.layout1.latte-c5f98160e9ae541b0a76bd4b74951ce0.php:65 source ► Nette\Templating\FileTemplate-> render ()
55: if ($_l->extends) { 56: ob_start(); 57: 58: } elseif (!empty($_control->snippetMode)) { 59: return Nette\Latte\Macros\UIMacros::renderSnippets($_control, $_l, get_defined_vars()); 60: } 61: 62: // 63: // main template 64: // 65: if ($_l->extends) { ob_end_clean(); return Nette\Latte\Macros\CoreMacros::includeTemplate($_l->extends, get_defined_vars(), $template)->render(); } 66: call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['left']), $_l, get_defined_vars()) ?> 67: 68: <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['content']), $_l, get_defined_vars()) ;
.../libs/Nette/Utils/LimitedScope.php:73 source ► include (arguments ►)
#0 "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_Page.layout1.latte-c5f98160e9ae541b0a76bd4b74951ce0.php" (125)
63: */ 64: public static function load(/*$file, array $vars = NULL*/) 65: { 66: if (func_num_args() > 1) { 67: self::$vars = func_get_arg(1); 68: if (self::$vars === TRUE) { 69: return include_once func_get_arg(0); 70: } 71: extract(self::$vars); 72: } 73: return include func_get_arg(0); 74: } 75: 76: } 77:
.../libs/Nette/Templating/FileTemplate.php:119 source ► Nette\Utils\LimitedScope:: load (arguments ►)
#0 "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_Page.layout1.latte-c5f98160e9ae541b0a76bd4b74951ce0.php" (125)
#1 array(19) ►
{ _control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►
{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
_presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ pages => NULL page => stdClass(4) ▼
user => Nette\Security\User(8) ►{ layout => 1 title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" id => 0 }
lang => NULL actualUrl => NULL detail => TRUE category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼{ table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { ... } data private => array(7) { ... } modified private => array(0) }
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) registrace => NULL model => Model(1) ▼{ database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } }
layouts => array(9) ►{ 1 => "1 blok" (6) 2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18) 4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24) 5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24) 6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17) 7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17) 8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) 9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48) }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ►{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 3 5 => 3 6 => 3 7 => 2 8 => 3 9 => 3 }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 3 2 => 3 3 => 2 }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼{ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 1 }
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ►{ connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... } sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... } name protected => "languages" (9) primary protected => "id" (2) rows protected => NULL data protected => NULL referenced protected => array(0) referencing protected => array(0) referencingPrototype protected => array(0) aggregation protected => array(0) accessed protected => NULL prevAccessed protected => NULL observeCache protected => FALSE checkReferenced protected => FALSE keys protected => array(0) }
presenterName => "Page" (4) moduleName => "Front" (5) transport => array(2) ▼{ 1 => "pošta" (6) 2 => "osobní odběr" (14) }
payment => array(4) ▼{ 1 => "karta" (5) 2 => "hotovost" (8) 3 => "dobírka" (8) 4 => "převod na účet" (17) }
contact => stdClass(2) ▼{ name => "Petr Kout" (9) email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20) }
orderStates => array(4) ▼[ 0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12) 1 => "Doručená" (10) 2 => "Částečně doručená" (23) 3 => "Storno" (6) ]
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼{ session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } name private => "rows" (4) data private => NULL meta private => FALSE warnOnUndefined => FALSE }
invalidLinkMode => 2 onShutdown => NULL request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "GET" (3) flags private => array(1) { ... } name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(5) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => TRUE }
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼{ source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { ... } }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE absoluteUrls => FALSE globalParams private => array(0) globalState private => array(0) globalStateSinces private => array(0) action private => "default" (7) view private => "layout1" (7) layout private => NULL payload private => stdClass(0) signalReceiver private => "" signal private => NULL ajaxMode private => FALSE startupCheck private => TRUE lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ►{ method private => "FORWARD" (7) flags private => array(0) name private => "Front:Page" (10) params private => array(6) { ... } post private => array(0) files private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼{ current => FALSE }
context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ] source private => NULL params private => array(21) { ... } filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ] cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... } }
invalidSnippets private => array(0) snippetMode => NULL params protected => array(5) ▼{ category => "vso" (3) akce => "sitemap.xml" (11) action => "default" (7) registrace => NULL lang => NULL }
components private => array(2) ▼{ schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) { ... } block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) { ... } }
cloning private => NULL parent private => NULL name private => "Front:Page" (10) monitors private => array(0) }{ guestRole => "guest" (5) authenticatedRole => "authenticated" (13) onLoggedIn => NULL onLoggedOut => NULL storage private => Nette\Http\UserStorage(3) ▼
netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) ▼{ namespace private => "" sessionHandler private => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... } sessionSection private => NULL }
authenticator private => NULL authorizator private => NULL context private => SystemContainer(8) ►{ classes => array(37) { ... } meta => array(0) parameters => array(19) { ... } params => array(19) { ... } registry private => array(16) { ... } factories private => array(0) creating private => array(0) frozen private => FALSE }
}{ cookieDomain => "" cookiePath => "/" cookieSecure => FALSE cookieHttpOnly => TRUE code private => 200 }
netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) ▼{ dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48) useDirs private => TRUE journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) ►
baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) basePath => "" flashes => array(0) today => 1740245152 hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" homepage => FALSE current => NULL lang => NULL template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ►{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp/btfj.dat" (58) handle private => stream resource
locks private => NULL }{ timed_out => FALSE blocked => TRUE eof => FALSE wrapper_type => "plainfile" (9) stream_type => "STDIO" (5) mode => "r+b" (3) unread_bytes => 4088 seekable => TRUE uri => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp/btfj.dat" (58) }
lastNode private => 2 lastModTime private => NULL nodeCache private => array(0) nodeChanged private => array(0) toCommit private => array(0) deletedLinks private => array(0) dataNodeFreeSpace private => array(0) }{ file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82) onPrepareFilters => array(1) ▼
}[ 0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... } ]
source private => NULL params private => array(21) ►{ _control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } _presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { ... } user => Nette\Security\User(8) { ... } netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) { ... } netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) { ... } baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27) basePath => "" flashes => array(0) today => 1740245152 hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32) keywords => "" homepage => FALSE current => NULL lang => NULL template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { *RECURSION* } _g => stdClass(0) _extended => TRUE }
filters private => array(0) helpers private => array(0) helperLoaders private => array(1) ▼[ 0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... } ]
cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) ▼{ hint => "/templates/@layout.latte" (24) dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48) useDirs private => TRUE journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) { ... } locks private => NULL }
}109: } 110: 111: $cache->save($this->file, $compiled, array( 112: Caching\Cache::FILES => $this->file, 113: Caching\Cache::CONSTS => 'Nette\Framework::REVISION', 114: )); 115: $cached = $cache->load($this->file); 116: } 117: 118: if ($cached !== NULL && $storage instanceof Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage) { 119: Nette\Utils\LimitedScope::load($cached['file'], $this->getParameters()); 120: } else { 121: Nette\Utils\LimitedScope::evaluate($compiled, $this->getParameters()); 122: } 123: }
.../libs/Nette/Application/Responses/TextResponse.php:59 source ► Nette\Templating\FileTemplate-> render ()
49: 50: 51: 52: /** 53: * Sends response to output. 54: * @return void 55: */ 56: public function send(Nette\Http\IRequest $httpRequest, Nette\Http\IResponse $httpResponse) 57: { 58: if ($this->source instanceof Nette\Templating\ITemplate) { 59: $this->source->render(); 60: 61: } else { 62: echo $this->source; 63: }
.../libs/Nette/Application/Application.php:142 source ► Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse-> send (arguments ►)
$httpRequest Nette\Http\Request(9) ►
{ method private => "GET" (3) url private => Nette\Http\UrlScript(10) ►
{ scriptPath private => "/" scheme private => "https" (5) user private => "" pass private => "" host private => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) port private => 443 path private => "/sitemap.xml/" (13) query private => "" fragment private => "" frozen private => TRUE }
query private => array(0) post private => array(0) files private => array(0) cookies private => array(0) headers private => array(5) ▼{ accept => "*/*" (3) "user-agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)" (103) "accept-encoding" => "gzip, br, zstd, deflate" (23) referer => "https://vso.partystudent.cz/sitemap.xml" (39) host => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19) }
remoteAddress private => "" (14) remoteHost private => NULL }$httpResponse Nette\Http\Response(5) ▼
{ cookieDomain => "" cookiePath => "/" cookieSecure => FALSE cookieHttpOnly => TRUE code private => 200 }
132: if ($response) { 133: $this->onResponse($this, $response); 134: } 135: 136: // Send response 137: if ($response instanceof Responses\ForwardResponse) { 138: $request = $response->getRequest(); 139: continue; 140: 141: } elseif ($response instanceof IResponse) { 142: $response->send($this->httpRequest, $this->httpResponse); 143: } 144: break; 145: 146: } catch (\Exception $e) {
.../app/bootstrap.php:143 source ► Nette\Application\Application-> run ()
133: // connect to Dibi 134: dibi::connect($container->params['database']); 135: } 136: else { 137: $container->router[] = new SimpleRouter('Front:Uvod:default',Route::SECURED); 138: } 139: 140: // Run the application! 141: $application->catchExceptions = !$configurator->isDebugMode(); 142: $application->errorPresenter = "Error"; 143: $container->application->run();
.../www/index.php:15 source ► require (arguments ►)
#0 "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/bootstrap.php" (55)
5: // absolute filesystem path to the application root 6: define('APP_DIR', WWW_DIR . '/../app'); 7: 8: // absolute filesystem path to the libraries 9: define('LIBS_DIR', WWW_DIR . '/../libs'); 10: 11: // uncomment this line if you must temporarily take down your site for maintenance 12: // require APP_DIR . '/templates/maintenance.phtml'; 13: 14: // load bootstrap file 15: require APP_DIR . '/bootstrap.php';
Nette Application ►
array(1) ▼ [
0 => Nette\Application\Request(7) ► {
method private => "GET" (3)
flags private => array(1) ▼ {
secured => TRUE
name private => "Front:Page" (10)
params private => array(5) ▼ {
category => "vso" (3)
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11)
action => "default" (7)
registrace => NULL
lang => NULL
post private => array(0)
files private => array(0)
frozen private => TRUE
FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) ► {
pages => NULL
page => stdClass(4) ▼ {
layout => 1
title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32)
keywords => ""
id => 0
lang => NULL
actualUrl => NULL
detail => TRUE
category => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) ▼ {
table private => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ► {
connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... }
sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) { ... }
name protected => "categories" (10)
primary protected => "id" (2)
rows protected => array(1) { ... }
data protected => array(1) { ... }
referenced protected => array(0)
referencing protected => array(0)
referencingPrototype protected => array(0)
aggregation protected => array(0)
accessed protected => array(7) { ... }
prevAccessed protected => array(7) { ... }
observeCache protected => TRUE
checkReferenced protected => FALSE
keys protected => array(0)
data private => array(7) ► {
id => 4
title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32)
keywords => ""
url => "vso" (3)
fb => "https://www.facebook.com/VsoPartyStudent.cz" (43)
name => "VŠO" (4)
text => "<h3>o škole</h3>
<p>Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze je soukromá vysoká škola neuniverzitní ... " (757)
modified private => array(0)
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11)
registrace => NULL
model => Model(1) ▼ {
database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) ▼ {
dsn private => "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=partystudent" (40)
driver private => Nette\Database\Drivers\MySqlDriver(1) { ... }
preprocessor private => Nette\Database\SqlPreprocessor(6) { ... }
databaseReflection private => Nette\Database\Reflection\ConventionalReflection(3) { ... }
cache private => Nette\Caching\Cache(4) { ... }
onQuery => NULL
layouts => array(9) ► {
1 => "1 blok" (6)
2 => "2 bloky vedle sebe" (18)
3 => "3 bloky vedle sebe" (18)
4 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 pod" (24)
5 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1 nad" (24)
6 => "3 bloky pod sebou" (17)
7 => "2 bloky pod sebou" (17)
8 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 2. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48)
9 => "2 bloky vedle sebe 1. horizontálně rozpůlený" (48)
layoutsBlocks => array(9) ► {
1 => 1
2 => 2
3 => 3
4 => 3
5 => 3
6 => 3
7 => 2
8 => 3
9 => 3
countModulesLayouts => array(3) ▼ {
1 => 3
2 => 3
3 => 2
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) ▼ {
1 => 1
2 => 2
3 => 1
langs => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) ► {
connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) ▼ {
dsn private => "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=partystudent" (40)
driver private => Nette\Database\Drivers\MySqlDriver(1) { ... }
preprocessor private => Nette\Database\SqlPreprocessor(6) { ... }
databaseReflection private => Nette\Database\Reflection\ConventionalReflection(3) { ... }
cache private => Nette\Caching\Cache(4) { ... }
onQuery => NULL
sqlBuilder protected => Nette\Database\Table\SqlBuilder(12) ► {
selection protected => Nette\Database\Table\Selection(15) { *RECURSION* }
connection protected => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... }
delimitedTable protected => "`languages`" (11)
select protected => array(0)
where protected => array(0)
conditions protected => array(0)
parameters protected => array(0)
order protected => array(1) [ ... ]
limit protected => NULL
offset protected => NULL
group protected => ""
having protected => ""
name protected => "languages" (9)
primary protected => "id" (2)
rows protected => NULL
data protected => NULL
referenced protected => array(0)
referencing protected => array(0)
referencingPrototype protected => array(0)
aggregation protected => array(0)
accessed protected => NULL
prevAccessed protected => NULL
observeCache protected => FALSE
checkReferenced protected => FALSE
keys protected => array(0)
presenterName => "Page" (4)
moduleName => "Front" (5)
transport => array(2) ▼ {
1 => "pošta" (6)
2 => "osobní odběr" (14)
payment => array(4) ▼ {
1 => "karta" (5)
2 => "hotovost" (8)
3 => "dobírka" (8)
4 => "převod na účet" (17)
contact => stdClass(2) ▼ {
name => "Petr Kout" (9)
email => "info@partystudent.cz" (20)
orderStates => array(4) ▼ [
0 => "Vyřizuje se" (12)
1 => "Doručená" (10)
2 => "Částečně doručená" (23)
3 => "Storno" (6)
lastEdited => Nette\Http\SessionSection(5) ▼ {
session private => Nette\Http\Session(4) ▼ {
regenerated private => NULL
options private => array(15) { ... }
request private => Nette\Http\Request(9) { ... }
response private => Nette\Http\Response(5) { ... }
name private => "rows" (4)
data private => NULL
meta private => FALSE
warnOnUndefined => FALSE
invalidLinkMode => 2
onShutdown => NULL
request private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ► {
method private => "GET" (3)
flags private => array(1) ▼ {
secured => TRUE
name private => "Front:Page" (10)
params private => array(5) ▼ {
category => "vso" (3)
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11)
action => "default" (7)
registrace => NULL
lang => NULL
post private => array(0)
files private => array(0)
frozen private => TRUE
response private => Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse(1) ▼ {
source private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ► {
file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82)
onPrepareFilters => array(1) [ ... ]
source private => NULL
params private => array(21) { ... }
filters private => array(0)
helpers private => array(0)
helperLoaders private => array(1) [ ... ]
cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... }
autoCanonicalize => TRUE
absoluteUrls => FALSE
globalParams private => array(0)
globalState private => array(0)
globalStateSinces private => array(0)
action private => "default" (7)
view private => "layout1" (7)
layout private => NULL
payload private => stdClass(0)
signalReceiver private => ""
signal private => NULL
ajaxMode private => FALSE
startupCheck private => TRUE
lastCreatedRequest private => Nette\Application\Request(7) ► {
method private => "FORWARD" (7)
flags private => array(0)
name private => "Front:Page" (10)
params private => array(6) ▼ {
category => "vso" (3)
lang => NULL
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11)
registrace => NULL
action => "default" (7)
do => "schools-submit" (14)
post private => array(0)
files private => array(0)
frozen private => FALSE
lastCreatedRequestFlag private => array(1) ▼ {
current => FALSE
context private => SystemContainer(8) ► {
classes => array(37) ► {
"nette\object" => FALSE
"nette\caching\storages\ijournal" => "nette.cacheJournal" (18)
"nette\caching\storages\filejournal" => "nette.cacheJournal" (18)
"nette\caching\istorage" => "cacheStorage" (12)
"nette\caching\storages\filestorage" => "cacheStorage" (12)
"nette\http\requestfactory" => "nette.httpRequestFactory" (24)
"nette\http\irequest" => "httpRequest" (11)
"nette\http\request" => "httpRequest" (11)
"nette\http\iresponse" => "httpResponse" (12)
"nette\http\response" => "httpResponse" (12)
"nette\http\context" => "nette.httpContext" (17)
"nette\http\session" => "session" (7)
"nette\security\iuserstorage" => "nette.userStorage" (17)
"nette\http\userstorage" => "nette.userStorage" (17)
"nette\security\user" => "user" (4)
"nette\application\application" => "application" (11)
"nette\application\ipresenterfactory" => "nette.presenterFactory" (22)
"nette\application\presenterfactory" => "nette.presenterFactory" (22)
"nette\arraylist" => "router" (6)
traversable => "router" (6)
iteratoraggregate => "router" (6)
countable => "router" (6)
arrayaccess => "router" (6)
"nette\application\irouter" => "router" (6)
"nette\application\routers\routelist" => "router" (6)
"nette\mail\imailer" => "nette.mailer" (12)
"nette\mail\smtpmailer" => "nette.mailer" (12)
"nette\di\nestedaccessor" => "nette.database" (14)
"nette\security\iauthenticator" => "authenticator" (13)
authenticator => "authenticator" (13)
model => "model" (5)
pdo => "database" (8)
"nette\database\connection" => "database" (8)
"nette\freezableobject" => "container" (9)
"nette\ifreezable" => "container" (9)
"nette\di\icontainer" => "container" (9)
"nette\di\container" => "container" (9)
meta => array(0)
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wwwDir => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www" (41)
debugMode => TRUE
productionMode => FALSE
environment => "production" (10)
consoleMode => FALSE
container => array(2) { ... }
tempDir => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp" (49)
database => array(6) { ... }
layouts => array(9) { ... }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) { ... }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) { ... }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) { ... }
transport => array(2) { ... }
payment => array(4) { ... }
contact => array(2) { ... }
orderStates => array(4) [ ... ]
content => array(1) { ... }
nette => NULL
params => array(19) ► {
appDir => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app" (41)
wwwDir => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www" (41)
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productionMode => FALSE
environment => "production" (10)
consoleMode => FALSE
container => array(2) { ... }
tempDir => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/../temp" (49)
database => array(6) { ... }
layouts => array(9) { ... }
layoutsBlocks => array(9) { ... }
countModulesLayouts => array(3) { ... }
countModulesDetailLayouts => array(3) { ... }
transport => array(2) { ... }
payment => array(4) { ... }
contact => array(2) { ... }
orderStates => array(4) [ ... ]
content => array(1) { ... }
nette => NULL
registry private => array(16) ► {
"nette.httpRequestFactory" => Nette\Http\RequestFactory(2) { ... }
httpRequest => Nette\Http\Request(9) { ... }
httpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) { ... }
session => Nette\Http\Session(4) { ... }
"nette.presenterFactory" => Nette\Application\PresenterFactory(4) { ... }
router => Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList(3) { ... }
application => Nette\Application\Application(14) { ... }
container => SystemContainer(8) { *RECURSION* }
"nette.cacheJournal" => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) { ... }
cacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) { ... }
database => Nette\Database\Connection(6) { ... }
model => Model(1) { ... }
nette => Nette\DI\NestedAccessor(3) { ... }
"nette.templateCacheStorage" => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) { ... }
"nette.userStorage" => Nette\Http\UserStorage(3) { ... }
user => Nette\Security\User(8) { ... }
factories private => array(0)
creating private => array(0)
frozen private => FALSE
template private => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) ► {
file private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/templates/Page/layout1.latte" (82)
onPrepareFilters => array(1) ▼ [
0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... }
source private => NULL
params private => array(21) ► {
_control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { *RECURSION* }
control => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { *RECURSION* }
_presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { *RECURSION* }
presenter => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { *RECURSION* }
user => Nette\Security\User(8) { ... }
netteHttpResponse => Nette\Http\Response(5) { ... }
netteCacheStorage => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileStorage(4) { ... }
baseUrl => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27)
baseUri => "https://vso.partystudent.cz" (27)
basePath => ""
flashes => array(0)
today => 1740245152
hostName => "vso.partystudent.cz" (19)
title => "Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze" (32)
keywords => ""
homepage => FALSE
current => NULL
lang => NULL
template => Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(8) { *RECURSION* }
_g => stdClass(0)
_extended => TRUE
filters private => array(0)
helpers private => array(0)
helperLoaders private => array(1) ▼ [
0 => Nette\Callback(1) { ... }
cacheStorage private => Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage(5) ▼ {
hint => "/templates/@layout.latte" (24)
dir private => "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache" (48)
useDirs private => TRUE
journal private => Nette\Caching\Storages\FileJournal(9) { ... }
locks private => NULL
invalidSnippets private => array(0)
snippetMode => NULL
params protected => array(5) ▼ {
category => "vso" (3)
akce => "sitemap.xml" (11)
action => "default" (7)
registrace => NULL
lang => NULL
components private => array(2) ▼ {
schools => Nette\Application\UI\Form(19) ► {
onSuccess => NULL
onError => NULL
onSubmit => NULL
onInvalidSubmit => NULL
submittedBy private => FALSE
httpData private => NULL
element private => Nette\Utils\Html(4) { ... }
renderer private => Nette\Forms\Rendering\DefaultFormRenderer(3) { ... }
translator private => NULL
groups private => array(0)
errors private => array(0)
onValidate => NULL
currentGroup protected => NULL
valid protected => NULL
components private => array(1) { ... }
cloning private => NULL
parent private => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { *RECURSION* }
name private => "schools" (7)
monitors private => array(2) { ... }
block1 => FrontModule\ArticlesPresenter(18) ► {
module => stdClass(5) { ... }
articlesID => NULL
articles => array(0)
article => FALSE
images => array(0)
imagesAll => array(0)
detail => TRUE
section => Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow(3) { ... }
paginator => Nette\Utils\Paginator(4) { ... }
template private => NULL
invalidSnippets private => array(0)
snippetMode => NULL
params protected => array(0)
components private => array(1) { ... }
cloning private => NULL
parent private => FrontModule\PagePresenter(50) { *RECURSION* }
name private => "block1" (6)
monitors private => array(1) { ... }
cloning private => NULL
parent private => NULL
name private => "Front:Page" (10)
monitors private => array(0)
Environment ►
PATH | "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" (60)
TEMP | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/tmp" (37)
TMPDIR | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/tmp" (37)
TMP | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/tmp" (37)
USER | "web356" (6)
HOME | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356" (33)
REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URL | "/sitemap.xml/" (13)
REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI | "https://vso.partystudent.cz/sitemap.xml/" (40)
REDIRECT_SSL_TLS_SNI | "vso.partystudent.cz" (19)
UNIQUE_ID | "Z7oIoEWPz_ZuQaaZLF9DowAAAJw" (27)
SCRIPT_URL | "/sitemap.xml/" (13)
SCRIPT_URI | "https://vso.partystudent.cz/sitemap.xml/" (40)
HTTPS | "on" (2)
SSL_TLS_SNI | "vso.partystudent.cz" (19)
proxy-nokeepalive | "1"
HTTP_ACCEPT | "*/*" (3)
HTTP_USER_AGENT | "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)" (103)
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | "gzip, br, zstd, deflate" (23)
HTTP_REFERER | "https://vso.partystudent.cz/sitemap.xml" (39)
HTTP_HOST | "vso.partystudent.cz" (19)
SERVER_SOFTWARE | "Apache" (6)
SERVER_NAME | "vso.partystudent.cz" (19)
SERVER_ADDR | "" (13)
SERVER_PORT | "443" (3)
REMOTE_ADDR | "" (14)
DOCUMENT_ROOT | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www/" (42)
REQUEST_SCHEME | "https" (5)
CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www/" (42)
SERVER_ADMIN | "webmaster@partystudent.cz" (25)
SCRIPT_FILENAME | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www/index.php" (51)
REMOTE_PORT | "45097" (5)
REDIRECT_URL | "/sitemap.xml/" (13)
REQUEST_URI | "/sitemap.xml/" (13)
SCRIPT_NAME | "/index.php" (10)
PHP_SELF | "/index.php" (10)
REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT | 1740245152.4209349
REQUEST_TIME | 1740245152
Constants ►
WWW_DIR | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www" (41)
APP_DIR | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www/../app" (48)
LIBS_DIR | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www/../libs" (49)
NETTE_DIR | "/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette" (48)
NETTE_PACKAGE | "5.3" (3)
Included files ► (130)
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/www/index.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/bootstrap.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/loader.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/common/exceptions.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/common/Object.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Utils/LimitedScope.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Loaders/AutoLoader.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Loaders/NetteLoader.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/Helpers.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/shortcuts.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Utils/Html.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/Debugger.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/Logger.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/FireLogger.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/BlueScreen.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/Bar.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/DefaultBarPanel.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/IBarPanel.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Utils/SafeStream.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/dibi.min.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Config/Configurator.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Loaders/RobotLoader.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Caching/Storages/FileStorage.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Caching/IStorage.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Caching/Cache.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/common/Callback.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/common/Framework.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Caching/Storages/PhpFileStorage.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache/_Nette.Configurator/_-19f72f4ab57417570ddcb0efe6c600c5.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/DI/Container.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/common/FreezableObject.php |
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/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/DI/NestedAccessor.php |
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/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Security/IUserStorage.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Http/UserStorage.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Security/Diagnostics/UserPanel.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Database/Helpers.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Database/Table/ActiveRow.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Application/Responses/TextResponse.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Application/IResponse.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Application/exceptions.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_Page.layout1.latte-c5f98160e9ae541b0a76bd4b74951ce0.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Latte/Macros/CoreMacros.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Latte/Macros/MacroSet.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Latte/IMacro.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/temp/cache/_Nette.FileTemplate/_templates._layout.latte-152dcb5217cce131f667280e5de0a6d8.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Templating/Helpers.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Latte/Macros/UIMacros.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Application/UI/Form.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Forms/Controls/SelectBox.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Forms/Rules.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Application/UI/Link.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Forms/Rendering/DefaultFormRenderer.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Forms/IFormRenderer.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/presenters/ArticlesPresenter.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/app/FrontModule/components/VisualPaginator/VisualPaginator.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Utils/Paginator.php |
/var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/libs/Nette/Diagnostics/templates/bluescreen.phtml |
Configuration options ►
Calendar support | enabled |
php-fpm | active |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
cgi.discard_path | 0 | 0 |
cgi.fix_pathinfo | 1 | 1 |
cgi.force_redirect | 1 | 1 |
cgi.nph | 0 | 0 |
cgi.redirect_status_env | no value | no value |
cgi.rfc2616_headers | 0 | 0 |
fastcgi.error_header | no value | no value |
fastcgi.logging | 1 | 1 |
fpm.config | no value | no value |
PHP Version | 5.6.40-81+0~20241224.91+debian11~1.gbp02231c |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
allow_url_fopen | On | On |
allow_url_include | Off | Off |
always_populate_raw_post_data | 0 | 0 |
arg_separator.input | & | & |
arg_separator.output | & | & |
asp_tags | Off | Off |
auto_append_file | no value | no value |
auto_globals_jit | On | On |
auto_prepend_file | no value | no value |
browscap | no value | no value |
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display_errors | On | Off |
display_startup_errors | Off | Off |
doc_root | no value | no value |
docref_ext | no value | no value |
docref_root | no value | no value |
enable_dl | Off | Off |
enable_post_data_reading | On | On |
error_append_string | no value | no value |
error_log | /var/www/clients/client107/web356/web/log/php_error.log | no value |
error_prepend_string | no value | no value |
error_reporting | 0 | 22519 |
exit_on_timeout | Off | Off |
expose_php | Off | Off |
extension_dir | /usr/lib/php/20131226 | /usr/lib/php/20131226 |
file_uploads | On | On |
highlight.comment | #998; font-style: italic | #FF8000 |
highlight.default | #000 | #0000BB |
highlight.html | #06B | #000000 |
highlight.keyword | #D24; font-weight: bold | #007700 |
highlight.string | #080 | #DD0000 |
html_errors | Off | On |
ignore_repeated_errors | Off | Off |
ignore_repeated_source | Off | Off |
ignore_user_abort | Off | Off |
implicit_flush | Off | Off |
include_path | .:/usr/share/php | .:/usr/share/php |
input_encoding | no value | no value |
internal_encoding | no value | no value |
log_errors | Off | On |
log_errors_max_len | 1024 | 1024 |
mail.add_x_header | On | On |
mail.force_extra_parameters | no value | no value |
mail.log | syslog | syslog |
max_execution_time | 30 | 30 |
max_file_uploads | 25 | 25 |
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max_input_time | 60 | 60 |
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output_buffering | 4096 | 4096 |
output_encoding | no value | no value |
output_handler | no value | no value |
post_max_size | 128M | 128M |
precision | 14 | 14 |
realpath_cache_size | 16K | 16K |
realpath_cache_ttl | 120 | 120 |
register_argc_argv | Off | Off |
report_memleaks | On | On |
report_zend_debug | On | On |
request_order | GP | GP |
sendmail_from | no value | no value |
sendmail_path | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f webmaster@partystudent.cz | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f webmaster@partystudent.cz |
serialize_precision | 17 | 17 |
short_open_tag | On | On |
SMTP | mail1.hucr.cz | mail1.hucr.cz |
smtp_port | 25 | 25 |
sql.safe_mode | Off | Off |
sys_temp_dir | no value | no value |
track_errors | Off | Off |
unserialize_callback_func | no value | no value |
upload_max_filesize | 128M | 128M |
upload_tmp_dir | /var/www/clients/client107/web356/tmp | /var/www/clients/client107/web356/tmp |
user_dir | no value | no value |
user_ini.cache_ttl | 300 | 300 |
user_ini.filename | .user.ini | .user.ini |
variables_order | GPCS | GPCS |
xmlrpc_error_number | 0 | 0 |
xmlrpc_errors | Off | Off |
zend.detect_unicode | On | On |
zend.enable_gc | On | On |
zend.multibyte | Off | Off |
zend.script_encoding | no value | no value |
ctype functions | enabled |
cURL support | enabled |
cURL Information | 7.74.0 |
Age | 7 |
Features | |
AsynchDNS | Yes |
CharConv | No |
Debug | No |
GSS-Negotiate | No |
IDN | Yes |
IPv6 | Yes |
krb4 | No |
Largefile | Yes |
libz | Yes |
NTLM | Yes |
NTLMWB | Yes |
SPNEGO | Yes |
SSL | Yes |
SSPI | No |
TLS-SRP | Yes |
Protocols | dict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, mqtt, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtsp, scp, sftp, smb, smbs, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftp |
Host | x86_64-pc-linux-gnu |
SSL Version | OpenSSL/1.1.1w |
ZLib Version | 1.2.11 |
libSSH Version | libssh2/1.9.0 |
date/time support | enabled |
"Olson" Timezone Database Version | 0.system |
Timezone Database | internal |
Default timezone | Europe/Prague |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
date.default_latitude | 31.7667 | 31.7667 |
date.default_longitude | 35.2333 | 35.2333 |
date.sunrise_zenith | 90.583333 | 90.583333 |
date.sunset_zenith | 90.583333 | 90.583333 |
date.timezone | Europe/Prague | Europe/Prague |
DOM/XML | enabled |
DOM/XML API Version | 20031129 |
libxml Version | 2.9.14 |
HTML Support | enabled |
XPath Support | enabled |
XPointer Support | enabled |
Schema Support | enabled |
RelaxNG Support | enabled |
Regex Library | Bundled library enabled |
EXIF Support | enabled |
EXIF Version | 1.4 $Id: cad29b729548e4206f0697710cc9e177f26fdff3 $ |
Supported EXIF Version | 0220 |
Supported filetypes | JPEG,TIFF |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
exif.decode_jis_intel | JIS | JIS |
exif.decode_jis_motorola | JIS | JIS |
exif.decode_unicode_intel | UCS-2LE | UCS-2LE |
exif.decode_unicode_motorola | UCS-2BE | UCS-2BE |
exif.encode_jis | no value | no value |
exif.encode_unicode | ISO-8859-15 | ISO-8859-15 |
fileinfo support | enabled |
version | 1.0.5 |
libmagic | 517 |
Input Validation and Filtering | enabled |
Revision | $Id: 5b79667bd9a68977a9b4f7505223a8e216e04908 $ |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
filter.default | unsafe_raw | unsafe_raw |
filter.default_flags | no value | no value |
FTP support | enabled |
GD Support | enabled |
GD headers Version | 2.3.3 |
GD library Version | 2.3.3 |
FreeType Support | enabled |
FreeType Linkage | with freetype |
FreeType Version | 2.10.4 |
GIF Read Support | enabled |
GIF Create Support | enabled |
JPEG Support | enabled |
libJPEG Version | 6b |
PNG Support | enabled |
libPNG Version | 1.6.37 |
WBMP Support | enabled |
XPM Support | enabled |
libXpm Version | 30411 |
XBM Support | enabled |
WebP Support | enabled |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
gd.jpeg_ignore_warning | 0 | 0 |
GetText Support | enabled |
hash support | enabled |
Hashing Engines | md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128,3 tiger160,3 tiger192,3 tiger128,4 tiger160,4 tiger192,4 snefru snefru256 gost gost-crypto adler32 crc32 crc32b fnv132 fnv1a32 fnv164 fnv1a64 joaat haval128,3 haval160,3 haval192,3 haval224,3 haval256,3 haval128,4 haval160,4 haval192,4 haval224,4 haval256,4 haval128,5 haval160,5 haval192,5 haval224,5 haval256,5 |
iconv support | enabled |
iconv implementation | glibc |
iconv library version | 2.31 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
iconv.input_encoding | no value | no value |
iconv.internal_encoding | UTF-8 | no value |
iconv.output_encoding | no value | no value |
IMAP c-Client Version | 2007f |
SSL Support | enabled |
Kerberos Support | enabled |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
imap.enable_insecure_rsh | Off | Off |
Internationalization support | enabled |
version | 1.1.0 |
ICU version | 67.1 |
ICU Data version | 67.1 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
intl.default_locale | no value | no value |
intl.error_level | 0 | 0 |
intl.use_exceptions | 0 | 0 |
json support | enabled |
json version | 1.2.1 |
libXML support | active |
libXML Compiled Version | 2.9.14 |
libXML Loaded Version | 20914 |
libXML streams | enabled |
Multibyte Support | enabled |
Multibyte string engine | libmbfl |
HTTP input encoding translation | disabled |
libmbfl version | 1.3.2 |
mbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. |
Multibyte (japanese) regex support | enabled |
Multibyte regex (oniguruma) backtrack check | On |
Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version | 5.9.5 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
mbstring.detect_order | no value | no value |
mbstring.encoding_translation | Off | Off |
mbstring.func_overload | 0 | 0 |
mbstring.http_input | no value | no value |
mbstring.http_output | no value | no value |
mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes | ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) | ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) |
mbstring.internal_encoding | no value | no value |
mbstring.language | neutral | neutral |
mbstring.strict_detection | Off | Off |
mbstring.substitute_character | no value | no value |
mcrypt support | enabled |
mcrypt_filter support | enabled |
Version | 2.5.8 |
Api No | 20021217 |
Supported ciphers | cast-128 gost rijndael-128 twofish arcfour cast-256 loki97 rijndael-192 saferplus wake blowfish-compat des rijndael-256 serpent xtea blowfish enigma rc2 tripledes |
Supported modes | cbc cfb ctr ecb ncfb nofb ofb stream |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
mcrypt.algorithms_dir | no value | no value |
mcrypt.modes_dir | no value | no value |
MHASH support | Enabled |
MHASH API Version | Emulated Support |
MySQL Support | enabled |
Active Persistent Links | 0 |
Active Links | 1 |
Client API version | mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $ |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
mysql.allow_local_infile | On | On |
mysql.allow_persistent | On | On |
mysql.connect_timeout | 60 | 60 |
mysql.default_host | no value | no value |
mysql.default_password | no value | no value |
mysql.default_port | no value | no value |
mysql.default_socket | no value | no value |
mysql.default_user | no value | no value |
mysql.max_links | Unlimited | Unlimited |
mysql.max_persistent | Unlimited | Unlimited |
mysql.trace_mode | Off | Off |
MysqlI Support | enabled |
Client API library version | mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $ |
Active Persistent Links | 0 |
Inactive Persistent Links | 0 |
Active Links | 0 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
mysqli.allow_local_infile | On | On |
mysqli.allow_persistent | On | On |
mysqli.default_host | no value | no value |
mysqli.default_port | 3306 | 3306 |
mysqli.default_pw | no value | no value |
mysqli.default_socket | no value | no value |
mysqli.default_user | no value | no value |
mysqli.max_links | Unlimited | Unlimited |
mysqli.max_persistent | Unlimited | Unlimited |
mysqli.reconnect | Off | Off |
mysqli.rollback_on_cached_plink | Off | Off |
mysqlnd | enabled |
Version | mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $ |
Compression | supported |
core SSL | supported |
extended SSL | supported |
Command buffer size | 4096 |
Read buffer size | 32768 |
Read timeout | 31536000 |
Collecting statistics | Yes |
Collecting memory statistics | No |
Tracing | n/a |
Loaded plugins | mysqlnd,debug_trace,auth_plugin_mysql_native_password,auth_plugin_mysql_clear_password,auth_plugin_sha256_password |
API Extensions | mysql,mysqli,pdo_mysql |
mysqlnd statistics | |
bytes_sent | 1500 |
bytes_received | 6796 |
packets_sent | 48 |
packets_received | 112 |
protocol_overhead_in | 448 |
protocol_overhead_out | 192 |
bytes_received_ok_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_eof_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_rset_header_packet | 54 |
bytes_received_rset_field_meta_packet | 0 |
bytes_received_rset_row_packet | 108 |
bytes_received_prepare_response_packet | 5092 |
bytes_received_change_user_packet | 932 |
packets_sent_command | 18 |
packets_received_ok | 0 |
packets_received_eof | 0 |
packets_received_rset_header | 6 |
packets_received_rset_field_meta | 0 |
packets_received_rset_row | 12 |
packets_received_prepare_response | 73 |
packets_received_change_user | 9 |
result_set_queries | 4 |
non_result_set_queries | 8 |
no_index_used | 3 |
bad_index_used | 0 |
slow_queries | 0 |
buffered_sets | 4 |
unbuffered_sets | 0 |
ps_buffered_sets | 0 |
ps_unbuffered_sets | 0 |
flushed_normal_sets | 0 |
flushed_ps_sets | 0 |
ps_prepared_never_executed | 0 |
ps_prepared_once_executed | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_server_normal | 5 |
rows_fetched_from_server_ps | 0 |
rows_buffered_from_client_normal | 5 |
rows_buffered_from_client_ps | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_normal_buffered | 5 |
rows_fetched_from_client_normal_unbuffered | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_ps_buffered | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_ps_unbuffered | 0 |
rows_fetched_from_client_ps_cursor | 0 |
rows_affected_normal | 0 |
rows_affected_ps | 0 |
rows_skipped_normal | 5 |
rows_skipped_ps | 0 |
copy_on_write_saved | 22 |
copy_on_write_performed | 0 |
command_buffer_too_small | 0 |
connect_success | 4 |
connect_failure | 0 |
connection_reused | 0 |
reconnect | 0 |
pconnect_success | 0 |
active_connections | 0 |
active_persistent_connections | 0 |
explicit_close | 2 |
implicit_close | 0 |
disconnect_close | 0 |
in_middle_of_command_close | 0 |
explicit_free_result | 4 |
implicit_free_result | 0 |
explicit_stmt_close | 0 |
implicit_stmt_close | 0 |
mem_emalloc_count | 0 |
mem_emalloc_amount | 0 |
mem_ecalloc_count | 0 |
mem_ecalloc_amount | 0 |
mem_erealloc_count | 0 |
mem_erealloc_amount | 0 |
mem_efree_count | 0 |
mem_efree_amount | 0 |
mem_malloc_count | 0 |
mem_malloc_amount | 0 |
mem_calloc_count | 0 |
mem_calloc_amount | 0 |
mem_realloc_count | 0 |
mem_realloc_amount | 0 |
mem_free_count | 0 |
mem_free_amount | 0 |
mem_estrndup_count | 0 |
mem_strndup_count | 0 |
mem_estndup_count | 0 |
mem_strdup_count | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_null | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_bit | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_tinyint | 5 |
proto_text_fetched_short | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_int24 | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_int | 5 |
proto_text_fetched_bigint | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_decimal | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_float | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_double | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_date | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_year | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_time | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_datetime | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_timestamp | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_string | 11 |
proto_text_fetched_blob | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_enum | 1 |
proto_text_fetched_set | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_geometry | 0 |
proto_text_fetched_other | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_null | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_bit | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_tinyint | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_short | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_int24 | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_int | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_bigint | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_decimal | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_float | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_double | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_date | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_year | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_time | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_datetime | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_timestamp | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_string | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_json | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_blob | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_enum | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_set | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_geometry | 0 |
proto_binary_fetched_other | 0 |
init_command_executed_count | 0 |
init_command_failed_count | 0 |
com_quit | 2 |
com_init_db | 2 |
com_query | 12 |
com_field_list | 0 |
com_create_db | 0 |
com_drop_db | 0 |
com_refresh | 0 |
com_shutdown | 0 |
com_statistics | 0 |
com_process_info | 0 |
com_connect | 0 |
com_process_kill | 0 |
com_debug | 0 |
com_ping | 0 |
com_time | 0 |
com_delayed_insert | 0 |
com_change_user | 0 |
com_binlog_dump | 0 |
com_table_dump | 0 |
com_connect_out | 0 |
com_register_slave | 0 |
com_stmt_prepare | 0 |
com_stmt_execute | 0 |
com_stmt_send_long_data | 0 |
com_stmt_close | 0 |
com_stmt_reset | 0 |
com_stmt_set_option | 2 |
com_stmt_fetch | 0 |
com_deamon | 0 |
bytes_received_real_data_normal | 872 |
bytes_received_real_data_ps | 0 |
OpenSSL support | enabled |
OpenSSL Library Version | OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023 |
OpenSSL Header Version | OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023 |
Openssl default config | /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
openssl.cafile | no value | no value |
openssl.capath | no value | no value |
PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support | enabled |
PCRE Library Version | 8.45 2021-06-15 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
pcre.backtrack_limit | 1000000 | 1000000 |
pcre.recursion_limit | 100000 | 100000 |
PDO support | enabled |
PDO drivers | mysql, sqlite |
PDO Driver for MySQL | enabled |
Client API version | mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $ |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
pdo_mysql.default_socket | /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock | /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock |
PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x | enabled |
SQLite Library | 3.34.1 |
Phar: PHP Archive support | enabled |
Phar EXT version | 2.0.2 |
Phar API version | 1.1.1 |
SVN revision | $Id: 6e5cec2462a6ded53d4379ea9a69487a60d5c43c $ |
Phar-based phar archives | enabled |
Tar-based phar archives | enabled |
ZIP-based phar archives | enabled |
gzip compression | enabled |
bzip2 compression | disabled (install pecl/bz2) |
Native OpenSSL support | enabled |
Phar based on pear/PHP_Archive, original concept by Davey Shafik. Phar fully realized by Gregory Beaver and Marcus Boerger. Portions of tar implementation Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Tim Kientzle. |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
phar.cache_list | no value | no value |
phar.readonly | On | On |
phar.require_hash | On | On |
Revision | $Id: 5f4acc20904b1406142f2a0ede068db048c77e77 $ |
PSpell Support | enabled |
Readline Support | enabled |
Readline library | EditLine wrapper |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
cli.pager | no value | no value |
cli.prompt | \b \> | \b \> |
Recode Support | enabled |
Revision | $Id: cde03aacd1a1218dcad9dabc2f284594a0a4aa16 $ |
Reflection | enabled |
Version | $Id: 5f15287237d5f78d75b19c26915aa7bd83dee8b8 $ |
Session Support | enabled |
Registered save handlers | files user |
Registered serializer handlers | php_serialize php php_binary wddx |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
session.auto_start | Off | Off |
session.cache_expire | 180 | 180 |
session.cache_limiter | nocache | nocache |
session.cookie_domain | no value | no value |
session.cookie_httponly | Off | Off |
session.cookie_lifetime | 0 | 0 |
session.cookie_path | / | / |
session.cookie_secure | Off | Off |
session.entropy_file | /dev/urandom | /dev/urandom |
session.entropy_length | 32 | 32 |
session.gc_divisor | 1000 | 1000 |
session.gc_maxlifetime | 1440 | 1440 |
session.gc_probability | 0 | 0 |
session.hash_bits_per_character | 5 | 5 |
session.hash_function | 0 | 0 |
session.name | PHPSESSID | PHPSESSID |
session.referer_check | no value | no value |
session.save_handler | files | files |
session.save_path | /var/www/clients/client107/web356/tmp | /var/www/clients/client107/web356/tmp |
session.serialize_handler | php | php |
session.upload_progress.cleanup | On | On |
session.upload_progress.enabled | On | On |
session.upload_progress.freq | 1% | 1% |
session.upload_progress.min_freq | 1 | 1 |
session.upload_progress.prefix | upload_progress_ | upload_progress_ |
session.use_cookies | On | On |
session.use_only_cookies | On | On |
session.use_strict_mode | Off | Off |
session.use_trans_sid | 0 | 0 |
shmop support | enabled |
Simplexml support | enabled |
Revision | $Id: d7077fc935154236afb4fe70814ba358efdbdca4 $ |
Schema support | enabled |
Soap Client | enabled |
Soap Server | enabled |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
soap.wsdl_cache | 1 | 1 |
soap.wsdl_cache_dir | /tmp | /tmp |
soap.wsdl_cache_enabled | 1 | 1 |
soap.wsdl_cache_limit | 5 | 5 |
soap.wsdl_cache_ttl | 86400 | 86400 |
Sockets Support | enabled |
SPL support | enabled |
Interfaces | Countable, OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject |
Classes | AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, CallbackFilterIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilesystemIterator, FilterIterator, GlobIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, MultipleIterator, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RecursiveTreeIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SplDoublyLinkedList, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplFixedArray, SplHeap, SplMinHeap, SplMaxHeap, SplObjectStorage, SplPriorityQueue, SplQueue, SplStack, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException |
SQLite3 support | enabled |
SQLite3 module version | 0.7-dev |
SQLite Library | 3.34.1 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
sqlite3.defensive | 1 | 1 |
sqlite3.extension_dir | no value | no value |
Dynamic Library Support | enabled |
Path to sendmail | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f webmaster@partystudent.cz |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
assert.active | 1 | 1 |
assert.bail | 0 | 0 |
assert.callback | no value | no value |
assert.quiet_eval | 0 | 0 |
assert.warning | 1 | 1 |
auto_detect_line_endings | 0 | 0 |
default_socket_timeout | 60 | 60 |
from | no value | no value |
url_rewriter.tags | a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry | a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry |
user_agent | no value | no value |
sysvmsg support | enabled |
Revision | $Id: 58590192720bc56939152fde3645d808b348bb9b $ |
Tidy support | enabled |
libTidy Release | 2017/11/25 |
Extension Version | 2.0 ($Id: 57f050b275c6da348310461a64aaad21feef8091 $) |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
tidy.clean_output | no value | no value |
tidy.default_config | no value | no value |
Tokenizer Support | enabled |
WDDX Support | enabled |
WDDX Session Serializer | enabled |
XML Support | active |
XML Namespace Support | active |
libxml2 Version | 2.9.14 |
XMLReader | enabled |
core library version | xmlrpc-epi v. 0.54 |
php extension version | 0.51 |
author | Dan Libby |
homepage | http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net |
open sourced by | Epinions.com |
XMLWriter | enabled |
XSL | enabled |
libxslt Version | 1.1.34 |
libxslt compiled against libxml Version | 2.9.10 |
EXSLT | enabled |
libexslt Version | 1.1.34 |
Zend OPcache
Opcode Caching | Up and Running |
Optimization | Enabled |
Startup | OK |
Shared memory model | mmap |
Cache hits | 1245219871 |
Cache misses | 219400719 |
Used memory | 67107744 |
Free memory | 1120 |
Wasted memory | 0 |
Interned Strings Used memory | 4194296 |
Interned Strings Free memory | 8 |
Cached scripts | 2129 |
Cached keys | 3548 |
Max keys | 3907 |
OOM restarts | 0 |
Hash keys restarts | 0 |
Manual restarts | 0 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
opcache.blacklist_filename | no value | no value |
opcache.consistency_checks | 0 | 0 |
opcache.dups_fix | Off | Off |
opcache.enable | On | On |
opcache.enable_cli | Off | Off |
opcache.enable_file_override | Off | Off |
opcache.error_log | no value | no value |
opcache.fast_shutdown | 0 | 0 |
opcache.file_update_protection | 2 | 2 |
opcache.force_restart_timeout | 180 | 180 |
opcache.inherited_hack | On | On |
opcache.interned_strings_buffer | 4 | 4 |
opcache.load_comments | 1 | 1 |
opcache.lockfile_path | /tmp | /tmp |
opcache.log_verbosity_level | 1 | 1 |
opcache.max_accelerated_files | 2000 | 2000 |
opcache.max_file_size | 0 | 0 |
opcache.max_wasted_percentage | 5 | 5 |
opcache.memory_consumption | 64 | 64 |
opcache.optimization_level | 0x7FFFBFFF | 0x7FFFBFFF |
opcache.preferred_memory_model | no value | no value |
opcache.protect_memory | 0 | 0 |
opcache.restrict_api | no value | no value |
opcache.revalidate_freq | 2 | 2 |
opcache.revalidate_path | Off | Off |
opcache.save_comments | 1 | 1 |
opcache.use_cwd | On | On |
opcache.validate_permission | Off | Off |
opcache.validate_root | On | On |
opcache.validate_timestamps | On | On |
Zip | enabled |
Zip version | 1.12.5 |
Libzip version | 1.7.3 |
ZLib Support | enabled |
Stream Wrapper | compress.zlib:// |
Stream Filter | zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate |
Compiled Version | 1.2.11 |
Linked Version | 1.2.11 |
Directive | Local Value | Master Value |
zlib.output_compression | Off | Off |
zlib.output_compression_level | -1 | -1 |
zlib.output_handler | no value | no value |
Additional Modules
Module Name |
sysvsem |
sysvshm |
HTTP request ►
HTTP response ►
X-Powered-By: Nette Framework
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
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- Report generated at 2025/02/22 18:25:52
- https://vso.partystudent.cz/sitemap.xml/
- PHP 5.6.40-81+0~20241224.91+debian11~1.gbp02231c
- Apache
- Nette Framework 2.0.5 (revision f8aa369 released on 2012-08-30)